Road Map

Let us know if you have suggestions at

Functional requests

  • Follow up emails for users not logging on anymore
  • Create an accounting setup to:
    • Select the ledger organization or upload your own.
      • Default as is now
      • USA version
      • Thailand BOI version.
    • Be able to maintain the automatic posting configuration.
    • Access to the error journal of failed postings
    • automatically add new timeperiod in new year
  • Extend the website to offer growerp as a SAAS
  • Update the freelancer app
  • Create a manufacturing app
  • Create a logistic app

Technical internal requests

  • Introduction of a new router: go_router
  • Reusable blocs
  • Separate the order/accounting package
  • Move flutter chat and tasking into their own package.
  • Deep linking into the Android/IOS apps so they can also be used with your own backend.
  • Keep the system updated with the latest Flutter/dart releases, Flutter roadmap is here
  • make lists scrollable in two dimensions:
  • Wasm, Web Assembly is upcoming


Ledger enhancement release December 8 2023(v1.2.0)

  1. Any ledger organization and numbering possible by upload or manual entry.
  2. Manual ledger transactions and posting added.
  3. Ledger journal function added
  4. Relation of order/invoice/payment/shipment documents now shown and clickable.
  5. Models now in their own package: growerp_models
  6. Replaced custom REST interface with Retrofit usable from flutter and from the terminal
  7. Various fixes and interface enhancements.
  8. GrowERP global command now again fully functional for install, import/export
  9. Example programs for conversion of existing data for import into GrowERP.
  10. Started a weekly mailing list related to GrowERP and ERP in general. subscribe here!

Fault fix release August 20 2023 (v1.1.0)

  1. Separate apps can now be used with the same email address
  2. all packages upgraded in
  3. Admin and Hotel app can now be used again with packages

Release July 20 2023 (V1.0.0)

  • Moqui upgraded to V3.0.0
  • Monorepo: All GrowERP parts now in a single repository
  • Added a Dockerfile for all required images to automatically build on
  • Added docker-compose file and self signed certs to run all images locally.
  • Docker Inc. now sponsors GrowERP with a free dockerhub account.
  • Hotel app now improved and upgraded to the new core system
  • Moved often used Blocs into the core component

Release June 5 2023 (V0.9.5)

  1. Use the new Material Design 3 with a switch to select dark or light mode.
  2. Create account reports: balancesheet, balance posted summary.
  3. Added the global command growerp to easy install and maintain the system
  4. Language localisations, currently English and Thai, help us translate?
  5. Now using Melos to maintain packages
  6. Update the hotel app to latest packages
  7. Refactoring removed not required widgets

Release April 12 2023 (V0.9.2)

  1. Now possible to have completely different ledger organizations between companies
  2. Better error messages from the backend interface.
  3. Payment and invoice now show only itemTypes which can be posted without errors
  4. Starting from this release, developments will only be visible outside of the master branch (mostly development) and only merged after all tests are succesful and packages are available at
  5. We now started a weekly email list to show our progress, building GrowERP both from a technical and functional point of view. You can subscribe here

Release March 22 2023 (V0.9.1)

  1. company and user now separated in bloc/views
  2. all packages can be operated just with core
  3. No dependencies between packages except core.
  4. All tests within the specific packages
  5. Overall test like roundtrip only in admin application.
  6. All packages now at V0.9.0 in

Refactoring Release February 20 2023 (V0.9.0)

  1. System now split-up in packages registered in
  2. Role of company now separated from security group at userlogin.
  3. Reorganized the user and website detail screen.
  4. Company model added to user model
  5. Use of the new dart Enum.
  6. Added header with close button at all dialog screens
  7. Moved images into the core package
  8. Lint rules now applied to all source files
  9. Extended user/company/website integration tests
  10. Rename files and variable names according Dart standard.

Production release December 20 2022 (V0.6.0)

  1. User backend organization change from owner/user/company to owner/company/user
  2. Finished documents like order/invoices/payment also shown when not older than one week.
  3. Userlogin can be reused as customer with any other company within the system.
  4. Removed internal coding for single company use. With new user organization change no special coding required when used in single mode.

Production release November 23 2022 (V0.5.0)

  1. It is now possible to use Obsidian to publish information about your company or provide documentation of your product on the generated Website. Functions supported:
    1. Internal and external linking
    2. Inclusion of external md files.
    3. Inline images
    4. Mobile/Web upload from local obsidian vault
  2. GrowERP website now completely using GrowERP itself
    1. Added Google analytics
    2. BirdSend API interface for GrowERP promotion, (later for every user?)
  3. The system at is now in production, while is our test system.

Fifth beta release August 17 2022

  1. improved documentation
  2. improved category and product interface
  3. Added category & product CSV up/download
  4. Improved integration tests, now 14 in total.
  5. Removed repository history, size reduced by 75%. history now in repository growerpuntil20220814

Fourth beta release July 7, 2022.

First comments from end users arrived.

  1. Upload images was limited to 200K, now larger although after upload the size will be reduced to about 200k
  2. At the html website one can now add menu dropdowns which are generated from the markdown documents
  3. On the html website available categories can now be reduced even to the stage they do not show at all.
  4. On the html website available products in the home page can now be managed.
  5. When the title of a markdown document is called it appear on the home above the products if any.
  6. The above changes mean, that the website can now be used just as a textual website without any e-commerce products.
  7. Web application has now an improved user interface taking advantage of the larger screen.

Third beta release July 1, 2022.

  1. Automatically generated website.
    • Maintenance from flutter frontend:
      • logo, products and categories
      • title, about, support, using markdown format
    • using improved demo data
    • multi currency
    • multi company

2. Api documented and available: Integration tests for testing with Flutter front-end - in/output parameters definition - authorization - test/production public API sites

3. Stripe gateway
- working with E-commerce website and flutter frontend. 4. Flutter frontend improvements: - Added E-commerce website maintenance to flutter frontend at company -> website - adding categories to products and adding products to categories improved - no mandatory assignment of a product to at least a single category - be able to add assets at the product screen - improved demo data from Moqui PopRestStore - integration tests now all fixed. - A product can now be assigned to more categories - Upgraded to flutter v3 with mostly latest packages. - upgraded app in app/play store. - More documentation.

Second beta release May 3, 2022]

  1. Input of invoice/payment without an order with automatic posting.
  2. better integration tests.
  3. more confirmation messages.
  4. first Stripe implementation.
  5. Invoice and payment creation without Order
  6. Started documentation in docsify package

First beta release feb 28, 2022

Changes since September 2021:

  1. All packages now in a single git branch.
  2. Reorganized the project into a domain organization see: packages/core/lib/domains
  3. Well organized integration tests for all functions.
  4. Added a warehouse function: locations, incoming/outgoing shipments.
  5. Accounting now working for purchase/sales orders and inventory changes.
  6. Improved models, backend API and adding 'freeze' and 'jsonserializer' (need to run buildrunner on core package)
  7. Introduction of smart enum classes (FinDocType,FinDocStatusVal)
  8. Upgraded to bloc V8, flutter 2.16
  9. Merged login/change password bloc into Authenticate bloc.
  10. Started new app: freelance